Create a Grantee Record (Grants)
  • 22 Apr 2024
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Create a Grantee Record (Grants)

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Create a Grantee Record (Grants)

A Grantee record must be created for every Grant applicant. This record holds applicant-specific data that enhances the information in the Profile record. The Grantee record has a one-to-one relationship with the Profile record.

Note: Each Grantee only needs one Grantee record – even if they are applying for multiple Grants.

Note: These steps may not mention every field that is available for creating Grantee records. Refer to the Grantees Supertab for more information on all of the available fields.

1. Verify that the Grantee record does not already exist by searching for the record in the Grantees Data Grid.

2. Click the New Grantee button on the toolbar. The Grantees tab opens for data entry.

3. Enter the ID Code of the Profile that you want to create a Grantee record for. If you are not sure of the ID code, click the Lookup button (looks like a magnifying glass) next to this field to select the desired Profile from a data grid.

Note: This is the only field that FIMS requires to save the Grantee record. However, your organization may require others, and you should fill in as many of the other fields as possible, to help automate the Application process and make your reports more meaningful.

4. When you are finished entering the Grantee information, click the Save button on the toolbar.

Note: When you initially create a Grantee record, FIMS automatically applies an Affiliation code to the Profile record (for example, Applic) to indicate that the Profile is a potential Grantee. Refer to Configuring Automatic Affiliation Codes in the Profile Management module for more information.


Tip: When to Create a Grantee Record

It is not necessary to wait until you have received a formal Grant Application to enter a Profile and a Grantee record. When a potential Grantee first contacts the organization for general information or Grant Application guidelines, it makes sense to create a new Profile and Grantee record for the potential Grantee. You may also want to create a Contact / Tickle record to log initial inquiry (coded as an inquiry for retrieval on a Contact report). Refer to Contacts and Tickles in the Introduction for more information.


Tip: Coding Your Grant Making Efforts

The Type, Program, Population, and Region code fields on the Grantee record provide important information about the Grantee and its activities.

  • The Type code categorizes the agency or its philanthropic activities. It is an important indicator of the types of Grantees that are applying for and receiving Grants.
  • The Program code characterizes the usual area of interest of the applications and Grants for the agency. The same code field is also available on the Grant Application, which would indicate the Program Area for a particular Grant. This could vary from the Program Area on the Grantee record but is frequently the same.

    Note: These codes should match those in the Interest code table in the Fund Management module (which indicates the programmatic interest of Funds and Fund Distributions).

  • The Population code indicates the usual population served by the Grantee agency. This field is also available on the Grant Application, where it indicates the population group served by a particular grant. This code also acts as a default from the Grantee record to the Application.
  • The Region code indicates the region usually served by the organization. It also acts as a default from the Grantee record to the Application.

These codes are useful for filtering lists of Grantees and Grants in reports and for statistical analysis in Trends and Analysis reports. For example, an analysis of Grants by Program Area provides a quick look at which program areas receive the most Grants. An analysis of Grantees by Population code tells you which segments of the population are being served by your Grantee organizations.

Tracking Agency Staff Names

It is not easy to keep up with the ever-changing roster of staff names at Grantee agencies. Here are a few tips:

  • Create an organizational Profile with a Grantee record. Enter the main contact person (for example, the Executive Director) on the Profile record. On the Grantee record, the Primary Contact will be the same as the name on the organizational Profile record, by default. This contact will then automatically flow into Grant Applications as the contact person.

    Note: If the Executive Director at the agency changes, you need to change the name on the Profile record and the primary contact on the Grantee record. If the Executive Director is not the person you normally deal with regarding Grant Applications, change the Primary Contact on the Contact Persons tab to the person that you do deal with.

  • If there are additional staff members that are occasionally used as Contacts, but there is no need to create a separate Profile record for them, you can enter their information on the Contact Persons tab as additional Contacts.
  • If there are additional staff members who you want to be able to look up by last name or send mail to, you should create Profiles for each staff member. When you create the Profile record, you can automatically make these Profiles members of a Staff group for the organization by using the New Grouped Profile Utility in the Profile Management module. Refer to Creating New Grouped Profiles in the Profile Management module for more information. If you want to create a Profile for a staff member, but do not want to use Profile Grouping, do the following:

1. Open the organizational Profile and click the Copy button on the toolbar to create a copy of the organizational Profile.

2. Edit the record to substitute the staff member’s name for the Executive Director’s name. Make sure that the Sort Name changes when you do this.

3. Click the Individual radio button to change the record from an organizational to an individual Profile.

Note: The Report Name and Sort Name will change to the Individual’s name when you do this.

4. To locate all Profiles from that organization, use the Profile Data Grid, sorted by Organization.


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