Create A/P Open Items for Unpaid Historic Grants
  • 29 Nov 2024
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Create A/P Open Items for Unpaid Historic Grants

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Article summary

Create A/P Open Items for Unpaid Historic Grants

Note: All of the following methods assume that General Ledger is built and Grants Payable beginning balances reflect the unpaid Grants.

Historic Grants – No Payments Have Been Made

If the Grants have not been posted, do the following:

  1. In System Initial Setup, activate Interface Grants Posting to A/P and Post A/P to G/L.
  2. Post your Grants.
  3. In System Initial Setup, deactivate Post A/P to G/L.
  4. Post your Vouchers.
  5. In System Initial Setup, activate Post A/P to G/L.

If the Grants have been posted (with both flags off), do the following:

  1. In System Initial Setup, activate Interface Grants Posting to A/P and Post A/P to G/L.
  2. Run GR2AP.P for each Grant. This program prompts for Grant Number and creates Vouchers. Contact FIMS Support for help.
  3. In System Initial Setup, deactivate Post A/P to G/L.
  4. Post your Vouchers.
  5. In System Initial Setup, activate Post A/P to G/L.

Historic Grants – Payments Made / Payments Pending

If the Grants have not been posted, do one of the following:

  1. In System Initial Setup, activate Interface Grants Posting to A/P and Post A/P to G/L.
  2. Post your Grants.
  3. Run APSTART1.P to delete or edit Voucher line items to reflect payments that have already been made. Contact FIMS Support for help.
  4. In System Initial Setup, deactivate Post A/P to G/L.
  5. Post your Vouchers.
  6. In System Initial Setup, activate Post A/P to G/L.  


  1. In System Initial Setup, activate Interface Grants Posting to A/P and Post A/P to G/L.
  2. Post your Grants.
  3. In System Initial Setup, deactivate Post A/P to G/L.
  4. Post your Vouchers.
  5. Enter Prepaid Vouchers for the items that have already been paid.
  6. Post the Prepaid Vouchers.
  7. In System Initial Setup, activate Post A/P to G/L.  

If the Grants have been posted (with both flags off), do the following:

  1. In System Initial Setup, activate Interface Grants Posting to A/P and Post A/P to G/L.
  2. Run GR2AP.P for each Grant. This program prompts for Grant Number and creates Vouchers. 
  3. In System Initial Setup, deactivate Post A/P to G/L.
  4. Post your Vouchers.
  5. In System Initial Setup, activate Post A/P to G/L.


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