Create Contact Person Records
  • 09 Sep 2024
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Create Contact Person Records

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Article summary

Create Contact Person Records

Contact Persons are the people at a Grantee Agency with whom you usually communicate for Grant Application purposes. Each Grantee must have at least one Contact Person associated with it (the Primary Contact), but you can create as many as you need (for example, if the agency has different contact people for different types of Grants).

Note: Contact Persons should generally be associated with a Profile record, but it is not required.

Note: The Primary Contact will automatically be added to the Contact Name field of any Grant Application you create for the selected Grantee. Therefore, make sure that the Primary Contact is the person with whom you usually communicate for Grant Application purposes.

When you create a new Grantee record, the primary name and address information from the Profile record are automatically added as the Primary Contact. If you change the name on the Profile record, the system will prompt you to see if you want to automatically change the name on the Contact Person record.

1. On the Grantees supertab, open the desired Grantee record, and then click the Contact Persons tab.
Contact Persons Tab

2. Review the list of existing Contact Persons to make sure that the record does not already exist.

3. Click the New button on the toolbar.

4. Do one of the following:

  • If you are creating the Contact Person based on an existing Profile record, click the Lookup button next to the Contact field and select the desired Profile. The associated information from the Profile record will automatically populate the fields.
  • If you are creating the Contact Person without a Profile record, enter the appropriate Name elements, Phone, Salutation, and Email information, along with any desired Comments about the Contact Person.

Note: Include a prefix with the name if you are planning to create a Profile record for the Contact Person. Salutations will only build correctly if the name has a prefix. 

5. If this Contact Person is the Primary Contact for the Grantee, select the Primary Contact checkbox.

Note: Each Grantee can only have one Primary Contact. You cannot delete the Primary Contact. 

6. Click the Save button on the toolbar.

Note: If you have created a Contact Person without a Profile record, the system will prompt you to create one. You can either create a Profile or keep the standalone Contact Person record.

Create Profiles for Contact Persons

When you create a new Contact Person record, you have the option of also creating a Profile record for the Contact Person. There are two methods for creating a Profile from the Contact Person record. In either case, the system will also run a duplicate check to see if the new Profile is a duplicate of an existing Profile. Refer to Working with Duplicate Profiles in the Profile Management module for more information about managing duplicates in FIMS.

Create a Profile Upon Saving the Contact Person

When you first save the Contact Person record, if you haven't selected a Profile, FIMS asks if you would like to create a Profile for the Contact Person.

Example: Create Profile RequestClick Yes to create the Profile. The system creates the record and displays the Profile ID code, along with the information that was placed in the name fields for the Profile.

Create a Profile from an Existing Contact Person

If you decide to create a Profile from a Contact Person that already exists in your system, go to the Contact Persons tab, select the desired Contact Person, and click the Create Profile button next to the Comments field.

Create Profile Button

The system creates the record and displays the Profile ID code, along with the information that was placed in the name fields for the Profile.

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