Create Contacts and Affiliations
  • 23 Mar 2023
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Create Contacts and Affiliations

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You are here: Introduction to FIMS > FIMS Interface > Data Grids > Create Contacts and Affiliations

Create Contacts and Affiliations from the Data Grid

FIMS allows you to add Contacts and/or Affiliation codes to records directly from most FIMS Data Grids. You can also choose to update all of the records in the Data Grid or limit the addition to selected and tagged records.

Note: This process is similar to adding Contacts or Affiliation codes from standard FIMS reports. Refer to Creating Contacts from Reports and/or Exports for more information.

1. Open the desired Data Grid.

2. If you want to create Contacts or Affiliations for a specific record or group of records, select and tag the desired record(s).

3. Click the Process Selections button. The Process Selections window opens.
4. Select the Create Contacts and/or Affiliations radio button.

5. (Optional) If you want to create Contacts or Affiliations for tagged records (instead of all available records), select the Tagged Items Only checkbox.
6. Click OK.

7. Complete the Contact / Affiliation code addition process. Refer to Creating Contacts from Reports and/or Exports for more information on completing this process.

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