Create Fund Associations (Funds)
  • 09 Oct 2023
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Create Fund Associations (Funds)

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Create Fund Associations (Funds)

Before you create Fund Associations, you should consider what categories of associations (Fund Representative Types) you will need and create codes for them via Fund Code Maintenance. Fund Rep Types may include Fund founders, Donor advisors, legal representatives, or members of an oversight committee. Refer to File Maintenance – Funds for more information on creating Fund Rep codes.

Note: You can create Fund Associations from either the Fund Management or Profile Management module. Once you create a Fund Association in one module, it automatically appears in the other. Refer to Creating Fund Associations in the Profile Management module for more information.

Note: You can also create mass Fund Associations based on existing Fund Associations. Refer to Copying Fund Representatives for more information.

1. In the Fund Management module, open the desired Fund record, and then click the Fund Associations tab.

Fund Associations Tab

  1. Click the New button on the far left-hand side of the toolbar. A new line in the associations list will open for editing.

  2. Enter the desired Profile ID Code. If you are not sure of the exact code, click the arrow in the ID Code field and select the desired Profile record from the data grid.

  3. Click the arrow in the Rep Type field and select the desired Rep Type code.

  4. Click the Save button on the toolbar.

  5. Repeat this process to create any additional Associations.

Note: Before saving a Fund association, FIMS will confirm that no association between the Fund and the selected Profile already exists. This prevents you from adding duplicate Fund associations.


Tip: Reporting Based on Fund Associations

  • The Fund Representative Listing report lists the names and addresses for each Fund Representative.

  • The Fund Representative Export exports the name, address, and Fund information for the selected Fund Representatives. You can use this exported data to create general correspondence.

  • The Simple Fund Rep Listing report lists each Fund Representative, Fund, and Association.

  • Fund Statements can be selected based on a Fund Rep type (or range of Fund Rep types). For example, a Fund Statement can be printed for all Funds with a Fund Rep type of Founde (Founder), and more than one statement can be printed simultaneously per Fund (one per each selected Fund Rep Type), with the appropriate name at the top of the statement and a related data file with the correct addresses for each Fund Rep.

  • The Unposted App Export w/Fund Rep and Application History Export w/ Fund Rep both include the name and address of the selected Fund Reps so that the Grantee may thank them.


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