Create Fund Associations (Profiles)
  • 24 Jun 2024
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Create Fund Associations (Profiles)

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Create Fund Associations (Profiles)

Note: You can create Fund Associations from either the Profile Management or Fund Management module.

1. In Profile Management, click the Fund Associations tab.

2. Click New on the far left-hand side of the toolbar. A new line in the associations list will open for editing.

3. Click the arrow in the Fund ID drop-down box and select the Fund that you want to associate with the selected Profile. Once you select a Fund, its name is automatically entered in the Name field.

4. Click the arrow in the Rep Type drop-down box and select the appropriate Fund Representative code to associate the Profile with the selected Fund. Once you select a code, its description is automatically entered in the Description field.

5. If the Profile should have DonorCentral access, choose the access level

6. Click Save on the toolbar.

Note: Before saving a Fund association, FIMS will confirm that no association between the Fund and the selected Profile already exists. This prevents you from adding duplicate Fund associations.

View a Fund from the Fund Associations Tab

You can select a Fund from the Fund Associations tab and then click the View Fund button to open the Fund Management module and view or edit any information on any tab for the selected Fund. If there is more than one Fund associated with the Profile, you can use the VCR buttons to move between them.

Note: This option is also available for viewing Profiles from the Fund module.

1. In Profile Management, click the Fund Associations tab.
2. Select the desired Fund, and then click View Fund. The Fund window opens. This window contains all of the tabs in the Fund Management module – but it opens in a separate window so you can view it without closing the Profile Management module.

3. Use the tabs to view or edit the Fund.

4. Click Done to return to the Profile Management module.

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