Create G/L Entries from Other G/L Entries
  • 21 Jul 2023
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Create G/L Entries from Other G/L Entries

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You are here: General Ledger > Automatic Entries > Create G/L Entries from Other G/L Entries

Create G/L Entries from Other G/L Entries

The Create G/L Entries from Other G/L Entries utility allows you to select either posted or unposted entries that you want to use as the basis for new, unposted Journal entries.

This may be useful for those who need to create another set of Journal entries based on ones created in FIMS by some regular posting routine or other automatic entry routine. For example, if entries are created from the Spending Policy Calculation to debit and credit transfer accounts to move money from accumulated earnings to spendable, and you also need to create entries to show the physical movement of the money, you could use this routine to create a second set of debit and credit asset accounts based on the first set.

Selection criteria include a date range and one natural account number (among other choices). Then you may select up to two new accounts to debit and credit. The entries that you create will automatically be applied to the same Fund(s) included in your selection criteria.

1. In the General Ledger module, click the Journal Entry supertab, and then click the Automatic Entries tab.

2. Select Create G/L Entries from Other G/L Entries from the Automatic Entries list, and then click the Run Process button. The G/L Copy Journal Entries window opens.
G/L Copy Journal Entries Window

3. In the Select on Entries with Apply Dates From / Through fields, enter the Apply Date(s) for the existing entries you want to use.

4. In the Natural Account field, enter the natural account number associated with the desired existing entries.

5. Enter the desired Journal Key, Reference number, or Journal # range to further limit the existing entries that you want to use to create new entries.

6. Select either the Posted or Unposted Journal Entries radio button to indicate whether you want to base the new entries on posted (historic) or unposted Journal entries.

7. Enter the desired Debit Account and Credit Account for the new entries.

8. Click OK.

9. Verify the Send To destination, and then click the Run Report button. The G/L Copy Journal Entries report opens in the FIMS Viewer.

10. Verify the G/L Entry information, and then click Create G/L Entries on the FIMS Viewer menu bar. The Debit and Credit Information window opens.

11. In the Journal Key fields, enter the Journal Key code that you want to apply to the Debit and Credit entries (for example, GJ for General Journal).

12. (Optional) Enter a Reference number for the Journal entry.

13. Enter the Apply Date for the transfer.

14. (Optional) Enter the FACTS Confirm Date for the transfer.

15. Click OK. A confirmation message appears to ask if you are ready to create entries.

16. Click Yes. When the process is complete, a message appears to tell you how many entries were created.

NOTE: You must post the new entries for them to affect the General Ledger.


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