Create Relationships Between Profiles
  • 29 Apr 2024
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Create Relationships Between Profiles

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Create Relationships Between Profiles

FIMS allows you to use Relationship codes to create relationships between Profile records. The Relationship code indicates how each Profile on the list is related to the current Profile. You can use these relationships as the basis for reports and queries (for example a query that lists all individuals and organizations that use a specific Profile as their accountant).

1. In the Profile Management module, make sure that the desired Profile record is open (or select it from the Profile Data Grid), and then click the Relationship tab.

2. Click the New button on the far left-hand side of the toolbar. A new line is added to the Relations list, and the current Profile’s ID code is automatically added to the Relator field.

3. Verify the ID code, and then click in the Relatee field.

Note: FIMS automatically adds the Relator Name based on the ID code in the Relator field.

4. If you know the ID code for the Profile you want to relate to this Profile, enter it in the Relatee field. If you are not sure of the ID code, click the arrow in this field and select the desired Profile from the Data Grid.

Note: FIMS automatically adds the Relatee Name based on the ID code in the Relatee field, but you can also manually edit the name.

5. Click the arrow in the Relationship drop-down box and select the type of relationship you want to create (for example, Parent, Child, Business Associate, Lawyer, or Financial Planner). This code will indicate how the Relatee is related to the Relator.

Note: FIMS automatically adds the Description based on the Relationship code you select. You cannot change the description from this tab.

6. Click the Save button on the toolbar.

Note: When you save the record, FIMS will check to make sure that it does not already exist. If you have entered a duplicate record, a message will appear to let you know that the Relationship is a duplicate, and the new record will not be saved. 

Creating Inverse Relationships Between Profiles

Once you create a relationship between Profiles, FIMS allows you to automatically create an inverse relationship (that is added to the relatee Profile record).

1. On the Relationship tab, create a relationship between two Profiles.

2. Select the new relationship, and then click the Create Inverse Relation button at the bottom of the Relationship tab. A new line is created on the Relationships list with the original Relator in the Relatee fields and the original Relatee in the Relator fields.

Example: Relationship and its Inverse 

3. Click the arrow in the Relationship drop-down box and select the type of relationship you want to create. This should be the inverse of the original relationship. For example, if the Relationship code for the original relationship is Father, the Relationship code for the inverse relationship should be Child.

Note: If you have set up default inverse codes on the Relationship code table, FIMS will automatically enter the appropriate code – but you can change it if necessary.

Note: FIMS automatically adds the Description based on the Relationship code you select. You cannot change the description from this tab.

4. Click the Save button on the toolbar. The inverse relationship disappears from the current Profile view and is added to the related Profile record. You can see the relationship by either clicking the Inverse radio button on the Relationship tab or opening the Relatee’s Profile record.

Note: You can also click the All radio button on the Relationship tab to view both the original relationship and its inverse.


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