Creation of 0 G/L Accounts is Complete when Running the Build Functional Expense Accounts Tool
  • 17 Jan 2023
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Creation of 0 G/L Accounts is Complete when Running the Build Functional Expense Accounts Tool

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Article summary

When Running the Build Functional Expense Accounts Tool, the message, 'Creation of 0 G/L Accounts is Complete' occurs and no GL accounts are created. Why is the tool not creating functional expense accounts?



This issue can occur for the following reasaons:

1. Due to an account being chosen that does not exist on the fund.
  • When choosing the GL accounts in the drop down, you have to choose GL accounts that the fund actually has in GL for that fiscal year.
  • The From and Through GL account drop downs will show all accounts regardless of if they actually exist on the fund or not. That list is populated from the master chart of accounts, not the fund.
  • Choose a GL account that actually exists on the fund in question.
2. Due to the account being chosen not being an Expense account.
  • The GL account must be an X account, Expense.
3. Due to the account not having the fund class for the account that is intended to be built. The tool only creates accounts if the fund class is allowed for the account. Check the chart of accounts for the account in question and verify if the fund class is added there for the fund class in question to which the fund is assigned.

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