Csv file was not found. 293 when Importing Grants
  • 26 May 2023
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Csv file was not found. 293 when Importing Grants

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Article summary

When importing grants into FIMS the following error may appear "\\servername\foldername\shared\400\tempfiles\filenametimp.csv"

Steps To Duplicate:
  1. From the top menu click on File Maintenance > Grants > Grant Import
  2. Select the csv file and fill in all required fields
  3. Click Import
  4. Receive a version of the error message
  5. View report that shows 0 records processed
This issue was caused by two things noted below along with the associated work around that resolved the issue. This issue is now resolved in patch 14.63 and the work-around is no longer necessary. 
1. The csv file name having a space in it
2. and\or the folder pathway itself having a space in it, for example C:\My Documents
Remove any spaces in the csv file name and also place the csv file in a folder with no spaces to use for import, for example, C:\Import, and then name file mytestimport.csv, so the entire path would be for example, C:\import\mytestimport.csv

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