Custom Reports
  • 19 Sep 2023
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Custom Reports

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Custom Reports

You will find the FieldMaker data is easy to access in Results or Crystal. The new FieldMaker tables, named by default <fm_xxxxx> (where xxxxx is the name of the parent FIMS File), can be added to any report -- either in addition to the parent file or without the parent file, if its fields are not needed.

When the File Configuration record is saved, before data fields are added via the Field tab, one field is automatically added: an index field. This field, which will allow you to relate the FieldMaker data to the rest of the database, is predictable in each case:

  • Profile, Donor, Grantee, Student: IDCode
  • Pledge: Pledgenum
  • Gift: Giftnum
  • Application: Grantnum
  • Fund: FundID

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