Data Grid Options
  • 01 Jun 2023
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Data Grid Options

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You are here: Introduction to FIMS > FIMS Interface > Data Grids > Data Grid Options

Data Grid Options

Many of these options are available either on the Data Grid toolbar or by right-clicking in the Data Grid and selecting the desired option.

Toolbar and Right-click menu:

Note: This section does not cover the options available when configuring views from within the View Settings window. It only covers options available from within the data grid itself. Refer to Configuring View Settings for more information about setting up views.



View Settings

Opens the View Settings window, where you can configure your own Data Grid views. Refer to Configuring View Settings for more information.

Tip: This option is available from the toolbar or the right-click menu.

Save View Settings

Saves any changes you have made to the current Data Grid view (for example, changing the column widths or sort order).

Note: This option only applies to changes that you make directly in the Data Grid. Any changes you make via View Settings must be saved in the View Settings window.

Note: This option is not available for System Views. If you want to make changes to a System View, right-click and select Save View As, and then make the desired changes in the new view.

Tip: This option is available from the toolbar or the right-click menu.

Save View As

Creates a copy of the current view and saves it as a new view. This is useful if you want to use an existing view as a template for a new view (for example, if you want to create a view that is similar to the Default View – which cannot be changed).

Tip: This option is only available via the right-click menu.

Process Selections

Allows you to create an ad-hoc report or export for the selected records in the Data Grid (or for all records in the Data Grid). You can also choose to create Contacts, Affiliations, mailing labels, or email messages for any Profiles associated with the selected records.

Refer to Running Reports and Exports from the Data Grid for more information.

Tip: This option is available from the toolbar or the right-click menu.

Default View

Sets the current Data Grid to its Default View settings.

Note: The Default View is system-defined and cannot be changed.

Tip: This option is available from the toolbar or the right-click menu.

Reset Sort Order

Resets the sort order of records in the Data Grid to the primary indexed field of the primary table in the grid (for example, the Profile data grid will sort by ID Code).

Note: This option is only available in Full data grid views.

Tip: This option is available from the toolbar or the right-click menu.

Tag All

Tags all of the records in the Data Grid (adds a selection checkmark to the left of the record).

Tip: This option is available from the toolbar or the right-click menu.

Untag All

Clears the checkmark from all tagged records in the Data Grid.

Tip: This option is available from the toolbar or the right-click menu.

Tag Selected

Tags all selected (highlighted) records in the Data Grid.

Note: This button only tags records it does not un-tag them. If you want to clear the tag for selected records, right-click and select Un-tag Selected.

Tip: This option is only available via the right-click menu.

Untag Selected

Un-tags all selected (highlighted) records in the data grid.

Tip: This option is only available via the right-click menu.

Display Tagged Items

Groups all selected (tagged) records and displays them at the top of the list in the Data Grid.

Note: This option is only available in Full data grid views.

Tip: This option is only available via the right-click menu.

Lock Columns

Opens a sub-menu that allows you to lock the selected number of columns on the left-hand side of the Data Grid, so they are always visible, even when you scroll to the right. Refer to Locking Columns for more information.

Note: The Tagging column (on the far left-hand side of the grid – where the checkmark for tagged records appears) is always locked and does not count in the number of locked columns. For example, if you choose to lock one column, the Tagging column will be locked, along with the one column you select.

Tip: This option is only available from the right-click menu. Be sure to save your view settings when you are finished locking columns to make the locking permanent.

Move Columns

Allows you to move your columns to a different location within the Data Grid. Refer to Moving Columns for more information.

Tip: This option is only available from the right-click menu.

View / Hide Profile Grouping

Displays a tree-view of grouped Profiles on the right-hand side of the Data Grid window. When you are finished using the tree view, select this option again to return to the standard data grid view.

Refer to Viewing Groups and Relationships in the Data Grid for more information.

Tip: You can optionally view all related Profiles in this tree view.

Tip: This option is only available from the right-click menu.

Row Color

Allows you to set the color for every other row in the Data Grid – to help differentiate one row from the next. The colors that you select will apply only to your data grids – they will not be applied to all users.

Refer to Changing Data Grid Row Colors for more information.

Tip: This option is only available from the right-click menu.

Move Buttons Left/Right

Moves the data grid toolbar to either the left-hand side or right-hand side of the screen.

Tip: This option is only available from the right-click menu.

View Info

Displays information about the current Data Grid view, including the View Name, User ID, Module Name, Sort By criteria, Selection criteria, and a description of the view. Refer to Displaying Current View Settings for more information.

Tip: This option is only available from the right-click menu.

View Totals

Generates a totals only report based on selected columns (e.g., total gifts by ID code). Refer to Viewing Data Grid Totals for more information.

Tip: This option is available from the toolbar or the right-click menu.

View Statistics

Generates a report that displays the minimum, total, average, and count for any numeric column in the data grid. Refer to Viewing Data Grid Statistics for more information.

Tip: This option is available from the toolbar or the right-click menu.


Opens your default email program and automatically places the email address associated with the selected record(s) into the To field.

Refer to Sending Email Messages from the Data Grid for more information.

Tip: This option is only available from the right-click menu and is only available in data grids that include an Email Address field as one of the columns.

This option is not currently available to FIMS on Azure Cloud

FIMS Chart It

Opens the optional FIMS Chart It module, which allows you to create ad hoc charts directly from your data grids.

Tip: This option is only available from the data grid toolbar.


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