Database BKP File is a Different Size Between Scheduled Task and Manual Backup
  • 16 Apr 2024
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Database BKP File is a Different Size Between Scheduled Task and Manual Backup

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Article summary

When the scheduled database backup task is done the resulting bkp file is smaller than when doing a manual back up.

Steps To Duplicate:
  1. Set up scheduled task for database backup
  2. See that the task runs
  3. Look at the backup file generated and see the size of 375,640 KB
  4. Run a manual database backup
  5. Look at the file generated and see its much larger; 548,088 KB
This is because the scheduled task uses a bat file which has the -com parameter for compression whereas the manual backup process does not.

\FIMS\dbbackup.bat has the -com parameter:

call "%DLC%\bin\probkup" online %1 %2\%3 -com

Manual backup instructions in the article mentioned above does not:

Probkup online found ..\dbbackup\found-backupfilename.bkp

See the following Progress article for more detail:

Compression (-com):
The compression parameter -com will reduce the total size of database backup volumes. Database Blocks below the High Water Mark in each Storage Area are first compressed prior to writing to the backup volume when compression is used:
  • The unused portion of index and record blocks are compressed to a 3-byte compression string.
  • Free Blocks are compressed to the length of their header, 16 bytes.
Using the -com parameter reduces the total size of the backup volume(s) by between 10 and 60 percent, largely depending on the Number of Free Blocks present at the time.

Using Compression may also speed up the backup process onto a "slow" media (like a tape drive), however it will slow down the backup process onto a fast media (like a disk or network storage) because of the additional processing required to compress the backup. Use the -scan parameter to get an estimate of the final size and the -verbose parameter to get an idea of how fast it's going at 10 second intervals.

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