Detailed Gift History by Donor Report
  • 17 May 2023
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Detailed Gift History by Donor Report

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You are here: FIMS Other Features > Reports > Donor and Gift Reports > Detailed Gift History by Donor Report

Detailed Gift History by Donor Report

This report shows all Gift distributions from the selected Donor(s). If the Gift was distributed to multiple Funds, the report provides a line for each distribution. This report is automatically sorted and subtotaled by Donor, and you can make selections based on Profile and Donor record fields.

The Donor ID and name appear at the beginning of each set of Donor Gifts.

NOTE: You can access this report from anywhere in FIMS by selecting Reports > Gifts > Detailed Gift History by Donor.

Detailed Gift History by Donor

 Detailed Gift History by Donor Fields




The name of the Fund that received the Gift.


The amount of the Gift.

Gift Num

The Gift number.

NOTE: This number may be repeated for Gifts that are distributed to more than one Fund – each distribution will appear on a separate line, but with the same Gift number.


The date when the organization took ownership of the Gift.


The Solicitor code for the Gift.


The Purpose code for the Gift.


The Source code for the Gift.


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