Determining Default Accounts
  • 08 Aug 2023
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Determining Default Accounts

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Article summary


Determining Default Accounts

Default accounts are determined as follows in General Ledger.

  • Non-Gift Revenue Default.
  • If it’s non-gift then it uses the Fund Class/GL Override natural account.
  • The asset account defaults in from the gift asset principal or income.
  • Gift Type Asset and Revenue Defaults.
  • If the Gift Type has non-blank values then it uses instead of the gift principal, income or Non-Gift defaults.
  • The order of gift account defaulting is.
  • If non-gift use that default.
  • If pledge then use from pledge.
  • If inter-fund use inter-fund defaults.
  • If Stock Gift use Stock gift defaults.
  • If gift type defaults use gift type defaults.
  • Gift principal or income default.
  • AP Fund Level Natural Accounts to the Fund Class/GL Override.
  • There is a system option that adds to the Fund Class/GL Override screens. [AP] Fund_Level_AP. Yes or No. Default is No.
  • The same system option enables a Fund ID if admin voucher.
  • When adding a new line item it defaults in the Operating Fund from System Initial Setup like normal.
  • But the Fund ID field is enabled with the tab order right after Description and before Expense Account.

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