Display Current View Settings
  • 23 Mar 2023
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Display Current View Settings

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Article summary


You are here: Introduction to FIMS > FIMS Interface > Data Grids > Display Current View Settings

Display Current View Settings

This option allows you to see all of the information about the current View Setup on one screen. You can also copy this information to the clipboard to save it to a separate file.

1. Right-click in the data grid and select View Info.

Example: View Info Window

2. (Optional) Click the Clipboard icon if you want to copy this information to the Windows clipboard. You can then paste it into a document or email to keep a record of the view information.

Tip: You can also open this window and press Alt+Print Screen on your keyboard to make a copy of the window that you can paste as a graphic into a document or email.

View Info Window Fields



Content Location

Qry Name

The name of the current data grid view.

View Settings – View Tab / Settings button.

User ID

The FIMS User ID for the person who created the view.

FIMS login information.

Module Name

The name of the Progress program used to display the selected view. The program generally shares its name with the module or supertab it is associated with (for example, b-pro for Profiles, b-gift for Gifts, or b-gifth for Gift History).

The current module and supertab when the View Info window is opened.

Sort By

The default Sorting criteria for the view.

View Settings – Sorting tab.

Aff. Codes

Any Affiliation codes that were selected when configuring the view.

View Settings – Affiliations tab.


Indicates whether the view is system-defined (yes or no).

View Settings – View tab.

Columns Locked

Indicates the number of columns that are locked.

Right-click and select Lock Columns.


The tables that were used to create columns.

View Settings – Tables tab.

Query Selection

Progress code generated as a result of the tables and selection criteria used to create the view.

View Settings – Tables and Selections tabs.

View Description

A text description of the view.

View Settings – View Tab / Settings button.


The field that is used to create each column

View Settings – Columns tab.


The text label that appears as the column heading.

View Settings – Columns tab.


The default width of each column.

View Settings – Columns tab.


The formula (if any) that was used to create the column.

View Settings – Columns tab.


Indicates whether the selected column is hidden from view (yes or no).

View Settings – Columns tab.


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