Distribution GL Accounts are not Labeled in Output of Data Grid and Display in Columns Rather than Rows
  • 19 Jan 2023
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Distribution GL Accounts are not Labeled in Output of Data Grid and Display in Columns Rather than Rows

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Article summary

Gift Distributions Cannot be Clearly Reported On. When you create a custom data grid to show all of the debit and credit accounts for all of the gift distributions, the results come out in columns rather than rows and is difficult to match the accounts with the distribution because it is not numbered to know what distributions the accounts go to.


To determine what accounts belong to which distributions, you have to go back to the General Ledger tab of the gift and then match that to the output of the data grid.

Steps To Duplicate:
  1. Go to the Gift module\Gift history tab
  2. Create a custom data grid to output accounts and debit account
  3. Save and run the data grid
  4. Note that the results are generated in Columns rather than each distribution on its own row and that the accounts are not labeled with a distribution number for identification.


Workaround: Manipulate in Excel after viewing GL tab of gift.

There is a field that can be used in the data grid that will be better on reporting the amounts of the distributions called, $FundAmt. You can add $FundAmt1, $FundAmt2, etc for each distribution and will reflect the amounts of each distribution.

Re-labeling the column headers to distributions or exporting in rows is currently not possible except if the data is manually manipulate in Excel. 

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