Does Changing a User's Name in FIMS Affect that User's Historical Activity in FIMS?
  • 18 Jan 2023
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Does Changing a User's Name in FIMS Affect that User's Historical Activity in FIMS?

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Article summary

I need to change a user's name in FIMS, does changing a user's name in FIMS affect that user's historical activity in FIMS?


To clarify, you cannot change a user id, once that is created it cannot be modified. You can create a new user, but the history will remain with the old user. If the old userid is deleted, that history (like changing a profile and looking at the changed date and who changed it) should remain as that user ID, even if the user doesn't exist anymore.

Now, you can change the User Name, which is the field below the User ID. User ID is what is tied to historic records, user name is not.

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