Donor Profile Report
  • 17 May 2023
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Donor Profile Report

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You are here: FIMS Other Features > Reports > Donor and Gift Reports > Donor Profile Report

Donor Profile Report

This report lists information from the Profile and Donor records, along with a history of contributions from each Donor.

You can sort and select based on fields from the Donor record, and one Donor Profile is printed per page.

NOTE: You can access this report from anywhere in FIMS by selecting Reports > Gifts > Donor Reports > Donor Profile.

Donor Profile Report

Donor Profile Fields



ID Code

The Donor’s Profile ID code.


The organization that the Profile record is associated with (if any)


The Donor’s name and primary mailing address.


The Donor’s work and home phone numbers.

Biographical Information

This section contains several fields from the Profile and Donor record, including the birth date, occupation, spouse name, Social Security number, and Class code.


The text of any comments from the Donor record.

Gift History

This section includes information about the Donor’s giving history, including the date and amount of their first, last, and largest Gifts, and the number of Gifts, largest Gift Amount, and total Gift Amounts for specific years.


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