DonorCentral times out when clicking previous and changing frequency of recurring grant in the grant recommendation form
  • 28 Feb 2023
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DonorCentral times out when clicking previous and changing frequency of recurring grant in the grant recommendation form

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Article summary

When submitting a recurring grant, I clicked next, then realized I needed to change the frequency. When I clicked previous and changed the frequency number, DonorCentral froze and timed out. This also occurs when deleting attempting to delete the default number of 90 days. 

Steps To Duplicate:
  1. Log into DonorCentral as advisor
  2. Click Recommendations
  3. Click New
  4. Choose Grantee and Click next
  5. Choose Funding Source
  6. Enter dollar amount
  7. check is recurring box
  8. Choose beginning and end dates
  9. Choose frequency number and interval
  10. Click Next
  11. Click previous
  12. Click in frequency number box and attempt to change number site will freeze and eventually prompt you to close the page
The fix for this issue was deployed on 1/31/2019.

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