E ACH Flag and ACH Record out of Sync when Running AP Edit Report
  • 27 Jun 2023
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E ACH Flag and ACH Record out of Sync when Running AP Edit Report

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Article summary

E ACH Flag and ACH Record out of Sync when Running AP Edit Report

When Running AP Edit Report, the error 'E ACH Flag and ACH Record out of Sync' occurs.


This issue occurs if the ACH information on the vendor record and the voucher do not match.
  • This error message is a new error that we added in FIMS 14.73 so that users can be alerted to when there is an issue and then can correct that issue and continue on to post.
           14.73 Release Notes
> 1485795-When paying a voucher in FIMS using ACH as the payment method, we’ve added validation to ensure that Vendor ACH information matches Voucher ACH information. The validation prevents ACH payments from pulling ACH information from the wrong profile. The validation is included in these Accounts Payable features: - Item Edit Report - Check Print - Open Items Datagrid $ErrorWarning column.
  • In FIMS 14.74, a change was made as described below:

    > The AP Item Edit Report no longer produces the error, “ACH Flag and ACH Record out of Sync,” when ACH-Recnum has a 0 value. ACH-Recnum has a value of 0 if the ACH information on the vendor record and the voucher do not match. A change was made to the AP Item Edit report so that it does not report false out of sync errors. 

  • This can also occur if the vouchers were imported into FIMS.

To resolve, make sure that the grantee and the voucher match ACH information, meaning, if use ACH is checked on the grantee record then make sure that the ACH checkbox is checked on the voucher.

This article outlines the area on the voucher and the vendor to look:

How do I change an ACH payable to a Check payable or from Check to ACH?

See also:
The ACH Information is missing for Open Item ######### when Attempting to Pay\Post a Check in AP Open Items

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