E Missing GL Account with Journal Key FD Disbursements when Running the FACTS Allocations Edit Report
  • 19 Apr 2023
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E Missing GL Account with Journal Key FD Disbursements when Running the FACTS Allocations Edit Report

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Article summary

When attempting to reconcile a FACTS pool the error, " E Missing G/L Account "account number" on the line along with another line that reads Disbursements with journal key FD.

This error is telling the user that the NET of all the Investment Account Disbursements does not NET to zero and that it is trying to post entries and FACTS is trying to post a very small amount of Disbursement to each of the funds.

This happens many times if for example you have two transactions that do not net to zero, because the amounts do not cancel each other out or because the two transactions in question were posted in different cycles. If you have transactions for ins and outs that need to net in zero, those need to be posted in the same cycle.

We recommend that any money moving in or out of the pool be done through the individual funds.

To determine if the Disbursement line Nets to zero, you can run the Reconciliation report from FACTS reconciliation processes and look at the line in the report for the pool that says Disbursements. 

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