Changing Suggesion from Declined to Pending in DonorCentral does not allow Suggestion to be imported into FIMS
  • 07 Nov 2023
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Changing Suggesion from Declined to Pending in DonorCentral does not allow Suggestion to be imported into FIMS

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Article summary

After changing the status of a suggestion from declined to pending in DonorCentral, the suggestion still cannot be imported into FIMS.


This is caused by the suggestion already having been declined in the FIMS suggestion import window. 

In FIMS 14.76, a change has been made to allow a suggestion to be Undeclined in the Suggestion import window in FIMS which allows for an application to be created for that suggestion. In order to un-decline a suggestion, user must switch to All Suggestions view in import window.

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