Document Module does not Work in Azure Cloud if Explorer Directory Paths are set for Local Drive
  • 26 May 2023
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Document Module does not Work in Azure Cloud if Explorer Directory Paths are set for Local Drive

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Article summary

If the explore directories for fund or profile folders are changed in FIMS on Azure Cloud to local drives, the document module cannot create document links for those documents to upload to DonorCentral. This includes dragging and dropping documents to the Documents module as well.

How do I save Gift Acknowledgements, Fund Statements, and Grantee Correspondence to Profile or Fund Folders?

Add Existing Documents to Document Module

Using local C path settings for fund and profile folders works for exporting data for fund statements and running macros to save data to local profile and fund folders but in Azure Cloud those settings do not work for the document module.


To resolve Document Module errors due to a local directory path, use the new System Option, Explore_Dir_Alt, to set an alternate primary directory path.

We have added some extra options to allow more flexibility for fund and profile folders. In System Options, you can now set an alternate primary directory path using the Explore_Dir_Alt option in the Profile and Fund sections. 

When you use the Explore_Dir_Alt option, it sets an alternate primary directory from which subdirectories for Profiles or Funds will exist.

Use the Explore_Dir_Alt option for these features: 

  • Profile Folder and Fund Folder in module Shortcut bars

  • Fund Statements generated from Fund Statement Designer 

  • External Statements – Individual Statements to Profile Folders 

  • External Statements – Individual Statements to Fund Folders 

  • Primary directory path for Document Management 

In the examples below the Explore_Dir_Alt directories are set for a profile folder and fund folder on the local C drive. (your folders may have different names). Having the Explore_Dir_Alt directories set as below allows for the features above to work and those features will use the directory as set in Explore_Dir_Alt.

Document module: If for example you have documents that you would like to upload to DonorCentral that you have created on your local machine, the documents that you have created on your local machine that can be uploaded directly from those local folders to DonorCentral using the Explore_Dir_Alt directories.

Add Existing Documents to Document Module

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