Gift Edit Report
  • 13 Jul 2023
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Gift Edit Report

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You are here: Gifts > Process Gifts > Gift Edit Report

Run the Gift Edit Report

The Gift Edit report helps to ensure that Gift entries do not contain errors or omissions. It provides a list of all unposted Gifts, along with a summary of the number of transactions and errors found. You must run an error-free Edit report in order to post your Gifts.

Note: Errors are unlikely after routine Gift entry, because FIMS will generally not allow you to save records that have errors. However, errors are not uncommon for Gifts that have been electronically converted from another database.

FIMS also issues Edit Report warnings, which do not prevent posting. The most common warning appears if a Gift date is more than 90 days from the current date.

Refer to Gift Edit Report Errors and Warnings for more information.

Tip: FIMS cannot catch some entry errors (for example, an inaccurate Gift amount, or a Gift credited to the wrong Donor or Fund). We recommend that you establish a routine review of the Edit Report before posting. You should also run the Edit Report before exporting your acknowledgement data. The Edit report includes the Address, Salutation and Acknowledgement Comment (if any) for each Gift acknowledgement.

Note: You can run this report as many times as necessary before posting.

1. In the Donor and Gift Management module, click the Unposted Gifts supertab, and then click the Processes tab.

2. Select Gift Edit Report from the Gift Processes list, and then click the Run Process button. The Gift Edit Report window opens.

Gift Edit Report Window

3. In the Select Gifts From / Through fields, enter the date range that you want to use for the Edit report. Only Gifts with Gift Dates within this range will appear on the report. The default values are the first day of the current month and today’s date.

4. The Use Gift Date as G/L Apply Date checkbox is selected by default. If you want to use a different date, clear this checkbox and enter a different G/L Apply Date.

Note: Contact FIMS Support for more information about the implications of changing this date.

5. (Optional) If you want to limit the Gifts include on your Edit report to a specific batch or range of batches, enter the desired Batch numbers in the From Batch / Through Batch fields. If you only want to include a single batch of Gifts, enter the same number in both fields.

6. (Optional) If you want to limit the Gifts included on your Edit report to one Gift or a specific range of Gifts, enter the desired Gift numbers in the From Gift # / Through Gift # fields. If you only want to include a single Gift, enter the same Gift number in both fields.

7. (Optional) If you only want to display Gifts that have errors and/or warnings associated with them, select the Summary Report checkbox.

8. Click OK, and then click the Run Report button to display the Edit report in the FIMS Viewer. You will see the gift edit report appear:


Gift Edit Report Errors and Warnings

Note: Some of these errors and warnings will only apply to you if you are using the optional Pledge Management and/or Stock Gift Management modules.

Errors on the Edit report are preceded by **E. Warnings are preceded by **W. You will not be able to post your Gifts if there are any errors in the Edit report.

Although you can post Gifts if there are warnings in the Edit report, you should always check the warnings before posting to see if any changes should be made.

Refer to Running the Gift Edit Report for more information.



  • Debits do not equal Credits for Fund.

    Note: This may either be an error or a warning, depending on the Warning for Unbalanced Funds System Options setting (General Ledger System Option).

  • Pledge Installment does not exist.

  • Installment has an overpayment of X.

  • Missing Pledge Payments.

  • The Unapplied Pledge Amount should be X.

  • The Non-Gift Amount should be X.

  • Fund Distribution is not a valid Pledge Distribution.

  • Fund Distributions do not correspond to the Applied Pledge Amounts.

  • Missing Profile record (of Donor).

  • Missing Donor (Donor Record).

  • Gift History exists with this Gift number.

  • Invalid Gift Date (Gift date not entered).

  • Gift Amount is zero.

  • Pledge Installment does not exist.

  • Installment has an overpayment of X.

  • Missing Pledge Payments.

  • The Unapplied Pledge Amount should be X.

  • Missing Fund.

  • Missing Fund Class record for this Fund.

  • Missing or Invalid G/L Credit Account.

  • Missing or Invalid G/L Debit Account.

  • Position Gift Amount does not match Stock Distribution Amount.

  • Security Name does not exist in Securities Table for Distribution.

  • Broker does not exist for Distribution.

  • Transfer Agent does not exist for Distribution.

  • Attorney does not exist for Distribution.

  • Position does not exist for Non-Stock Distribution.

  • Position / Fund Distribution does not exist for Non-Stock Distribution.

  • Gift Distributions do not equal Gift Amount.

  • Fund Distributions do not equal Gift Amount.

  • Fund Distributions do not equal Non-Gift Amount.

  • The Non-Gift Amount should be X.

  • Reversal for Gift Adj does not exist

  • Gift reversal must be posted along with gift adjustment.

  • Gift has multiple debit accounts.

  • GL Account Key is different than Gift Detail. 


  • Gift date not within x days of today's date.

  • Invalid Match Code.

  • Match ID Code is blank, but Match Code is not.

  • Match Code is blank, but Match ID Code is not.

  • Gift posting will create a matching Pledge for this Gift.

  • Fund retired.

  • Fund and credit account do not match.

  • Fund and debit account do not match.

  • More than one debit account for Fund Distributions.

  • Multiple debit natural accounts.

  • Gift fund detail does not match G/L Account Key Fund Segment

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