How can I Upload Gift, Pledge or Grant Letters to DonorCentral?
  • 09 Jan 2024
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How can I Upload Gift, Pledge or Grant Letters to DonorCentral?

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Article summary

I would like to upload gift, pledge and grant letters to DonorCentral and have donors be able to see them, how can I do that?


The Document Module in FIMS enables you to link and upload gift, pledge, and grant payment letters to the related record (or records) in DonorCentral. Once uploaded, these letters display in either the Gift letters tile on the Gift details page -- for gifts and pledges -- or in the Grant letters tile on the Grant details page -- for grants -- so you can easily access the letters in DonorCentral.

  • You will need DonorCentral Pro to use this feature. Please see the following document on how to use and configure this feature:
Upload Gift Pledge and Grant Letters to DonorCentral

  • This feature only works with the Gift History - Export or the Export Grant Information export. It does not work with user defined exports.
  • Gifts and Grants have to be posted first.
  • Prior to using this feature, FIMS macros must be installed in your local installation of Word
  • The Word template used with the export must be configured correctly
  • The gift and grant letters need to be saved to the profile or fund folder so that the documents module can see them.
  • If you are using Azure Cloud note that you will need to use your local installation of Word to merge letters and add them to local fund and profile folders.
  • Azure Cloud customers see the following:

Document Module does not Work in Azure Cloud if Explorer Directory Paths are set for Local Drive

Example process for Gift letters to upload existing documents from profile folder to DonorCentral:

Prerequisite for Azure Cloud customers. On-premises can skip this step:
1. Set your Explore_Dir_Alt directory per this article:

Document Module does not Work in Azure Cloud if Explorer Directory Paths are set for Local Drive

2. Create and post a gift
3. Go to Reports > Gifts > Gift History - Export
4. Select saved report that you would like to use
5. Export data from FIMS using paths set in saved report.
6. On local machine merge letters and run macros to save to local profile folders as PDFs using this process:
How do I Create and Run Gift Acknowledgement Letters?

7. Once PDF documents are created to local profile folders use document module to upload documents to DonorCentral:
Add Existing Documents to Document Module

8. After the process is complete the documents show on the record that they are connected with. Here is an example of a letter attached to a grant record in DonorCentral:

Supporting Documentation:

How to Install FIMS macros:

How do I Install FIMS Macros into Word?

How to set up Word templates:
How to Create and Run Grant Letters in Microsoft Word
How do I Create and Run Gift Acknowledgement Letters?

How to save documents to profile or fund folders:
How do I save Gift Acknowledgements, Fund Statements, and Grantee Correspondence to Profile or Fund Folders?

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