Trends and Analysis – Full Development Status Report
  • 18 Sep 2023
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Trends and Analysis – Full Development Status Report

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Article summary

Trends and Analysis – Full Development Status Report

This report analyzes Gift totals based on the Gift codes and the recipient Fund Type and Sub-Type. You can also add a summary section to the report, which includes grand totals.

NOTE: You can access this report from anywhere in FIMS by selecting Reports > Gifts > Trends and Analysis > Full Development Status Report.


Running the Full Development Status Report

1. In the Donor and Gift Management module, select Reports > Trends and Analysis > Full Development Status Report. The Full Development Status Report window opens.

Full Development Status Report Window

2. Click the arrow in the 4 drop-down box and select the type of time periods you want to analyze (Quarters, Years, or Months).

3. Click the arrow in the Beginning drop-down box and select the date when you want to start the analysis.

4. In the Exclude Gifts Greater Than field, enter the maximum Gift Amount that you want to include on the report. If you do not want to exclude any Gifts, leave the default value in this field.

5. If you want to exclude interfund Gifts or Pledge payments from the report, select the associated checkbox(es).

6. In the Include Report Sections section, select the information types that you want to include in the report. Each item you select creates a separate section on the report, and each section is broken down to show the total Gift Amounts for each code (for example, the Donor Class section might be broken down into Corporate, Family, Single, and Interfund categories based on the codes assigned to the Gifts). Available data includes the following:

  • Donor Class
  • Gift Source
  • Gift Type
  • Gift Purpose
  • Fund Type
  • Fund Subtype
  • Gift Solicitor
  • Summary (provides the total contribution amounts, and total number of Gifts for each period)

7. Click OK.

Verify the Send To destination for the report, and then click the Run Report button.

Trends and Analysis – Unposted Gifts Report

This report analyzes unposted Gifts based on the analysis code you specify. For example, you could run a report that provides the number and total amount of Gifts with a specified Purpose code.

NOTE: The analysis codes for this report are exactly the same as in the Trends and Analysis – Gifts report.

NOTE: You can export the data in this report to Microsoft Excel from the FIMS Viewer. Refer to Exporting Trends and Analysis Data to Excel for more information.

NOTE: You can access this report from anywhere in FIMS by selecting Reports > Gifts > Trends and Analysis > Unposted Gifts.


Unposted Gift Analysis Codes

You can use the following codes to analyze unposted Gift data:

  • (Gift) Acknowledgement Code
  • (Gift) Anonymous Code
  • (Gift) County Code
  • (Gift) ID Code
  • (Gift) Inter-Fund
  • (Gift) Match Code
  • (Gift) Purpose Code
  • (Gift) Solicitor Code
  • (Gift) Source Code
  • (Gift) Type Code

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