Enabling Batch Processing
  • 12 Jul 2023
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Enabling Batch Processing

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You are here: Introduction to FIMS > FIMS Interface > Batch Processing > Enabling Batch Processing

Enabling Batch Processing

Even with the common batch methods available in FIMS, it is often useful to identify an arbitrary batch of transactions. You can enable the batch feature for Gifts, Grants, Accounts Payable, or General Ledger by doing the following:

1. From anywhere in FIMS, select Tools > System Utilities > System Initial Setup. The System Initial Setup window opens.

2. Click the Posting tab.

System Initial Setup (Posting Tab)

3. In the Batch section, select the checkbox for each type of transaction you want to enable batch processing for: Gifts, Grants, A/P, or G/L.

4. Click OK. The next time you begin a transaction entry session you can set the default batch code to identify the transactions you want to include.

Note: If you want to be able to process a batch of grants all the way through A/P and G/L, select the A/P and G/L checkboxes. This will allow you to select the batch during posting for those modules.

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