Ending period should be same as begin or blank when running Evaluation Method 7 or 8 in Admin Fee Calculation for Trailing Quarters
  • 31 May 2023
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Ending period should be same as begin or blank when running Evaluation Method 7 or 8 in Admin Fee Calculation for Trailing Quarters

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Article summary

When you choose the evaluation method of ending balances- trailing quarters #8, the ending period isn't used, however depending on what buttons you clicked or choices you made before you chose the Evaluation option, the ending period might appear inaccurate.  It also prints an inaccurate value in the report settings.

Steps To Duplicate:
1. Open Funds > Processes
2. Run the Admin Fee calculation
3. Choose quarterly for the frequency, option 8 or option 7 for the method and note that the period end date is not editable and is not blank or the same as the begin date
This issue is resolved in FIMS 14.66 

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