Entering the Main Profile Record
  • 24 Jun 2024
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Entering the Main Profile Record

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Entering the Main Profile Record

Note: This procedure does not cover every field available for basic Profile record entry. Refer to the Profile 1 Tab for more information about all of the available fields.

  1. In the Profile Management module, click the New Profile button on the Profile Management Module toolbar. The Profile 1 tab opens, with an ID code automatically assigned.

    Profile 1 Tab

The highlights below represent fields that are required for this database. Your database may have different required fields:

Required Fields


  1. If the Profile record is for an individual, select the Individual radio button. If it is for an organization, select the Organization radio button.

    Note: You can set the default value to either Individual or Organization, depending on the type of Profile record that is more common for your organization. Refer to System Options – Profiles for more information.

  1. Enter the Profile’s name information and the organization name (if you are creating an organizational Profile record or if the Profile’s primary address is a business address).

FIMS will automatically build the Sort Name and Report Name based on the name and organization information you enter. These names are based on the Prefix, First Name, Last Name, and Middle Initial for Individual Profiles and on the Organization name for Organizational Profiles.

  1. Enter the Profile’s address and other contact information (e.g., phone, fax, cell phone, email address, web site).

Note: The Fax and Cellular phone fields occupy the same space on the tab. Click the telephone button next to the Fax / Cellular field to switch between fax and cell phone numbers.

  1. Click the Save button on the toolbar. The basic Profile entry is complete.

Note: When you save the Profile record, FIMS automatically builds the default and alternate Salutations based on the information you entered in the Name fields. Click the Salutations tab to review the automatically built salutations and make sure they are in the form you want.


Tip: Zip Code Master File

When you enter information in the Profile 1 tab, you can either use your mouse to click from one field to the next or press the Tab key on your keyboard. If you use the Tab key to move from field to field, you will notice that the system will skip directly from the Address 2 field to the Zip Code field.

If you enter a zip code that you have used in previous Profile records, FIMS will automatically fill in the City and State fields based on the zip code you provide. This information comes from the Zip Code Master File. Every time you enter a new zip code (with its associated city and state), the code is added to the Zip Code Master File. This can save time and effort in the data entry process because you only have to enter the city and state information one time.

If FIMS does not already have the zip code on record, when you press the Tab key from the Zip Code field, you will go to the City field and then the State field. When you save the Profile record, the new zip code is added to the Zip Code Master file.


Tip: Copying the Profile Name, Address and Salutation to the Clipboard

Click the Copy Address to Clipboard button (looks like a clipboard) next to the Address 2 field on either the Profile 1 or Alternate Addresses tab to copy the Profile’s address block and salutation to the Windows clipboard, so you can paste it into a word-processing document to begin a letter.

This is a useful tool when you need to create a single letter instead of a mass mailing.

Note: When you click this button, a confirmation window opens to inform you that the address was copied to the clipboard. Open Microsoft Word and paste the address into Word by clicking CTRL V or right-clicking and selecting paste from the menu options in Word.

Example: Copied Address in Microsoft Word


Tip: Where to Enter a Profile Record

You can add name and address records from more than one place in FIMS. In addition to the Profile Management module, you can add Profiles from the following locations:

  • Generic Profile: Profile Management module

  • Profile for a Donor: Donor and Gift Management module

  • Profile for a Grantee Agency: Grantee and Grant Management module

  • Profile for a Vendor: Accounts Payable module

  • Profile for a Student or School: Scholarship Management module


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