Entries from Journal History
  • 21 Jul 2023
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Entries from Journal History

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You are here: General Ledger > Automatic Entries > Entries from Journal History

Journal Entries from Journal History

The Entries from Journal History utility allows you to create new General Ledger Journal entries based on selected historic entries.

The primary purpose of this utility is to unpost the General Ledger Journal (for example, to correct Administrative Fee postings, Spending Policy entries, or entries made from other Automatic Entry utilities). You should not use this utility to correct entries that were made from subsidiary modules (for example, Gifts, FACTS, or Accounts Payable).

The utility is also useful when you want to keep the accrued interest income balance at the Fund level.

You can create two types of entries with this utility:

  • Reversing Entries: These entries cancel out the original entry (for example, when the selected historic entries were made in error).
  • Copies: These entries duplicate a set of historic entries for another posting.

NOTE: If you are correcting an erroneous post, it may be useful to run the utility twice for the same historic set – first to create reversing entries, and then to create a duplicate set of entries that you can correct before posting.

TIP: Recommendation: Run a Journal History report before you run this utility to help you correctly identify the entries you want to copy or reverse. Refer to the Journal History Report for more information.

1. In the General Ledger module, click the Journal Entry supertab, and then click the Automatic Entries tab.

2. Select Entries from Journal History from the Automatic Entries list, and then click the Run Process button. The Entries from Journal History window opens.
Entries from Journal History

3. Select the Fiscal Year for Historical Entries. This determines the fiscal year that you can pull historical entries from.

4. Select either the Create Reversing Entries or the Copy Entries radio button to determine the type of entry you want to create.

5. (Optional) If you want to change the Apply Date for the new entries, enter the desired date in the New Apply Date field.

NOTE: You will generally use the same Apply Date when you are reversing an entry but change it when you are copying entries.

6. (Optional) If you want to change the Journal Key for the new entries, enter the desired code in the New Journal Key field.

7. (Optional, but recommended) If you want to add a new reference number to the entries, enter the desired number in the New Reference No. field. Entering a new reference number will help to identify the new entries separately from the original entries.

8. Click OK. The FIMS Report Selections window opens where you can select the posted Journal entries that you want to use to create the new Journal entries. Selection is based on the Journal Entry fields (for example, Journal Number, Apply Date, and Fund ID).

Example showing a selectin on a range of journals based on journal number:

9. When you are finished making your selections, verify the Send To destination and then click the Run Report button. The Entries from Journal History report opens in the FIMS Viewer.

Entries from Journal History Report

10. Verify the entries on the report and then click Create G/L Entries on the FIMS Viewer menu bar. A message appears to ask if you are sure you are ready to create entries.

11. Click Yes in the message window. A confirmation message appears to tell you how many entries were created. 

NOTE: You must post the new entries for them to take effect. 

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