Error: "Application Line Item already exists with Grant Number 1234567 Line Number 1. (132) " - adding an Interfund
  • 09 Jan 2023
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Error: "Application Line Item already exists with Grant Number 1234567 Line Number 1. (132) " - adding an Interfund

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Article summary

I am getting this grant number already exists error when I click the new button for an Interfund.  How do I get around this?


This problem happens when grant numbers are assigned and the operation is cancelled.

There is an easy way to fix the issue.

Go to Tools > System Utilities > Set Automatic Numbers

Grant Number is already selected.  On the right, type in a grant number that is one larger than the Last Grant Number Used value and click Done.

Note: It might be necessary to increase the number more than once.  i.e., if the Last Grant number is 20170033, try 20170034, but you might need to move to 20170035 or higher.

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