Error ** Check Reconciliation record has NO-LOCK status, update to field not allowed. (396)
  • 24 Mar 2023
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Error ** Check Reconciliation record has NO-LOCK status, update to field not allowed. (396)

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Article summary

When trying to add a transaction to the the Accounts Payable Reconciliation list a few error messages occur;

1) Current record has been changed, do you wish to save those changes

2) **Additional Information record has NO-LOCKstatus, update to field not allowed. (396)

3)  ** Unable to update Additional Information Field. (142)

Steps To Duplicate:
1) Log into FIMS
2) Go to Accounts Payable
3) Click on Reconciliation Supertab> Click on Transactions Subtab
4) Add new Transaction
5) Errors occur
This is resolved with Progress 11.7.5. Please contact support to get your Progress 11.7.5 license file.


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