Error Compiling NPO Found FIMS App when Upgrading to 14.60
  • 07 Apr 2023
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Error Compiling NPO Found FIMS App when Upgrading to 14.60

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Article summary

When upgrading to 14.60, the following compile errors can occur:

** Error Compiling E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\GUI\AP\V-VOUCH.W
    ** Error=** Unknown Field or Variable name - b-country. (201)
    ** Error=** e:\npo\found\fims\gui\ap\v-voulib.i Could not understand line 384. (196)
** Error Compiling E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\GUI\AP\V-VOUCHH.W
    ** Error=** Unknown Field or Variable name - b-country. (201)
    ** Error=** e:\npo\found\fims\gui\ap\v-voulib.i Could not understand line 384. (196)
** Error Compiling E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\GUI\FUNDS\D-FEEEDT.W
    ** Error=** Unknown Field or Variable name - sortAcctAsset. (201)
    ** Error=** e:\npo\found\fims\gui\funds\feesproc.i Could not understand line 2876. (196)
** Error Compiling E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\GUI\GIFTS\V-GIFT.W
    ** Error=** Unknown Field or Variable name - b-giftHold. (201)
    ** Error=** e:\npo\found\fims\gui\gifts\v-giflib.i Could not understand line 241. (196)
** Error Compiling E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\GUI\GIFTS\V-GIFTH.W
    ** Error=** Unknown Field or Variable name - b-ack-country. (201)
    ** Error=** e:\npo\found\fims\gui\gifts\v-giflib.i Could not understand line 252. (196)
** Error Compiling E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\GUI\GRANTS\D-IRS990.W
    ** Error=** divcode is ambiguous with Fund.divcode and AppHistory.divcode (72)
    ** Error=** E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\GUI\GRANTS\D-IRS990.W Could not understand line 1248. (196)
** Error Compiling E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\GUI\PLEDGES\V-PLEDGE.W
    ** Error=** Unknown Field or Variable name - b-ack-country. (201)
    ** Error=** e:\npo\found\fims\gui\pledges\v-plglib.i Could not understand line 125. (196)
** Error Compiling E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\GUI\PLEDGES\V-PLEDGH.W
    ** Error=** Unknown Field or Variable name - b-ack-country. (201)
    ** Error=** e:\npo\found\fims\gui\pledges\v-plglib.i Could not understand line 125. (196)
** Error Compiling E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\GUI\SCHOLAR\V-SAPP.W
    ** Error=Could not find ctc-country in a frame. Try qualifying the reference with an IN FRAME phrase. (3566)
    ** Error=** e:\npo\found\fims\gui\grants\v-applib.i Could not understand line 507. (196)
    ** Error=Could not find ctc-country in a frame. Try qualifying the reference with an IN FRAME phrase. (3566)
    ** Error=** e:\npo\found\fims\gui\grants\v-applib.i Could not understand line 1130. (196)
    ** Error=** Unknown Field or Variable name - b-ctc-country. (201)
    ** Error=** e:\npo\found\fims\gui\grants\v-applib.i Could not understand line 3383. (196)
** Error Compiling E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\GUI\SCHOLAR\V-SAPPH.W
    ** Error=Could not find ctc-country in a frame. Try qualifying the reference with an IN FRAME phrase. (3566)
    ** Error=** e:\npo\found\fims\gui\grants\v-applib.i Could not understand line 507. (196)
    ** Error=Could not find ctc-country in a frame. Try qualifying the reference with an IN FRAME phrase. (3566)
    ** Error=** e:\npo\found\fims\gui\grants\v-applib.i Could not understand line 1130. (196)
    ** Error=** Unknown Field or Variable name - b-country. (201)
    ** Error=** e:\npo\found\fims\gui\grants\v-applib.i Could not understand line 2718. (196)
** Error Compiling E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\SRC\ADM\TEMPLATE\VLAYOUT.W
    ** Error=** Unable to understand after -- "AVAILABLE". (247)
    ** Error=Missing table name after function. (399)
    ** Error=** E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\SRC\ADM\TEMPLATE\VLAYOUT.W Could not understand line 278. (198)
** Error Compiling E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\SRC\TEMPLATE\R1REPORT.P
    ** Error=Preprocessor variable &report-id is blank.
    ** Error=Assign a value in the Definitions section.
    ** Error=Preprocessor variable &report-tables is blank.
    ** Error=Preprocessor variable &report-include is blank.
    ** Error=** Incompatible data types in expression or assignment. (223)
    ** Error=** e:\npo\found\fims\src\template\r1end.i Could not understand line 372. (196)
** Error Compiling E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\APPHMAKE.P
    ** Error=** Unknown Field or Variable name - supporttype. (201)
    ** Error=** E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\APPHMAKE.P Could not understand line 113. (196)
** Error Compiling E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\CGIFTDAT.P
    ** Error=** Unknown Field or Variable name - don-idcode. (201)
    ** Error=** E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\CGIFTDAT.P Could not understand line 91. (196)
** Error Compiling E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\CMP_RPOS.P
    ** Error=Unknown database name founds. (855)
    ** Error=Unknown or ambiguous table _file. (725)
    ** Error=** E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\CMP_RPOS.P Could not understand line 10. (196)
** Error Compiling E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\CNVFIMS.P
    ** Error=** Unknown Field or Variable name - grantdescr. (201)
    ** Error=** e:\npo\found\fims\tools\cnv\fixarray.i Could not understand line 16. (196)
** Error Compiling E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\COMPILE.P
    ** Error=** Missing FOR, FIND or CREATE for a table with found in current block. (232)
    ** Error=** E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\COMPILE.P Could not understand line 1. (198)
** Error Compiling E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\COPYRPTI.P
    ** Error=** Unable to understand after -- ".field-name =". (247)
    ** Error=** Cannot process comparison in expression. (250)
    ** Error=** E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\COPYRPTI.P Could not understand line 11. (198)
** Error Compiling E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\CRDELTA.P
    ** Error=** "prodict\user\userhue.i" was not found. (293)
    ** Error=** E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\CRDELTA.P Could not understand line 27. (193)
** Error Compiling E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\D-GRTSUB.W
    ** Error=** Missing FOR, FIND or CREATE for a table with segment-start in current block. (232)
    ** Error=First field name reference for a table scoped outside an internal procedure or trigger must be qualified. (3510)
    ** Error=** E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\D-GRTSUB.W Could not understand line 309. (196)
** Error Compiling E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\D-IOTEST.W
    ** Error=Unknown or ambiguous table SCROLLING. (725)
    ** Error=** E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\D-IOTEST.W Could not understand line 140. (196)
** Error Compiling E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\d-mulfnd.w
    ** Error=First field name reference for a table scoped outside an internal procedure or trigger must be qualified. (3510)
    ** Error=** E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\d-mulfnd.w Could not understand line 512. (196)
** Error Compiling E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\expusers.p
    ** Error=** Unknown table name fimsusers. (200)
    ** Error=** E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\expusers.p Could not understand line 22. (196)
** Error Compiling E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\FundUpdate.p
    ** Error=Unknown or ambiguous table fm_fund. (725)
    ** Error=** E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\FundUpdate.p Could not understand line 110. (196)
** Error Compiling E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\getdbversion.p
    ** Error=** Unable to understand after -- "FIND". (247)
    ** Error=** Invalid statement. (254)
    ** Error=** E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\getdbversion.p Could not understand line 12. (198)
    ** Error=** Unable to understand after -- "AVAILABLE". (247)
    ** Error=Missing table name after function. (399)
    ** Error=** E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\getdbversion.p Could not understand line 13. (198)
** Error Compiling E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\MRUN.P
    ** Error=** Unable to understand after -- "run". (247)
    ** Error=** Invalid statement. (254)
    ** Error=** E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\MRUN.P Could not understand line 15. (198)
** Error Compiling E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\OLD\APCHKREG.P
    ** Error=**FILL-IN name will not fit in FRAME name-line in PROGRAM E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\OLD\APCHKREG.P. (4028)
** Error Compiling E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\OLD\APCHKRG2.P
    ** Error=**FILL-IN name will not fit in FRAME name-line in PROGRAM E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\OLD\APCHKRG2.P. (4028)
** Error Compiling E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\OLD\FEESEDIT.P
    ** Error=**FILL-IN fund-name will not fit in FRAME error-line in PROGRAM E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\OLD\FEESEDIT.P. (4028)
** Error Compiling E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\OLD\FEESPOST.P
    ** Error=** Unknown Field or Variable name - wCreateAp. (201)
    ** Error=** e:\npo\found\fims\gui\gl\glpost.i Could not understand line 167. (196)
** Error Compiling E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\pre1250.p
    ** Error=** Duplicate variable, property, or event name--paramLoop. (218)
    ** Error=** E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\pre1250.p Could not understand line 69. (196)
** Error Compiling E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\syncBetatoLive.p
    ** Error=Unknown database name beta. (855)
    ** Error=Unknown or ambiguous table affiliation. (725)
    ** Error=** E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\syncBetatoLive.p Could not understand line 262. (196)
** Error Compiling E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\V6\DON-PURG.P
    ** Error=**FILL-IN Donor will not fit in FRAME cd in PROGRAM E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\V6\DON-PURG.P. (4028)
** Error Compiling E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\V6\FA-KCCF.P
    ** Error=** "FA-KCCF.tu" was not found. (293)
    ** Error=** E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\V6\FA-KCCF.P Could not understand line 73. (193)
    ** Error=** "FA-KCCF.lf" was not found. (293)
    ** Error=** E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\V6\FA-KCCF.P Could not understand line 74. (193)
    ** Error=** "FA-KCCF.tu" was not found. (293)
    ** Error=** E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\V6\FA-KCCF.P Could not understand line 75. (193)
    ** Error=** "FA-KCCF.lf" was not found. (293)
    ** Error=** E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\V6\FA-KCCF.P Could not understand line 101. (193)
    ** Error=** "FA-KCCF.lf" was not found. (293)
    ** Error=** E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\V6\FA-KCCF.P Could not understand line 153. (193)
** Error Compiling E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\V6\GLYR2HIS.P
    ** Error=** fiscal-begin is ambiguous with GLControl.Fiscal-Begin and Syscontrol.Fiscal-Begin (72)
    ** Error=** E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\V6\GLYR2HIS.P Could not understand line 67. (196)
** Error Compiling E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\Y2KAPPLI.P
    ** Error=**FILL-IN Alpha Sort Field will not fit in FRAME  in PROGRAM E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TOOLS\Y2KAPPLI.P. (4028)
** Error Compiling V6 E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TTY\LKINVCOD.P
    ** Error=**BROWSE br-lookup will not fit in FRAME choices in PROGRAM E:\NPO\found\FIMS\app\TTY\LKINVCOD.P. (4028)


The compile errors with this pathway were caused by the app folder containing subfolders that should not be there. Those extra folders were caused by a previous installation in which the folders from NPO\found\FIMS were unzipped additionally into NPO\found\FIMS\app. As such when the compiler ran, it saw files that it did not expect and thus the compiler errored out on those folders.

To resolve, look at the folder structure from a working system the NPO\found\FIMS\app directory and see what folders and there. Go to the non-working system and delete the extra folders then re-run the upgrade from the beginning. When the upgrade re-runs, all of the compile errors should now not be present. The other compile errors that refer to a location other than the NPO\found\FIMS\app directory were most likely caused by this issue as well.

This is what the contents of the NPO\found\FIMS\App folder should look like:

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