Error Could not find class or interface MicroEdge.Fims.Reports.ViewerControl. (12886) when upgrading FIMS
  • 10 Apr 2023
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Error Could not find class or interface MicroEdge.Fims.Reports.ViewerControl. (12886) when upgrading FIMS

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Article summary

When upgrading FIMS, the following compile error can occur, along with the others listed for several different procedures:

Error=Could not find class or interface MicroEdge.Fims.Reports.ViewerControl. (12886)
    ** Error=** f:\npo\found\fims\src\template\rptglib.i Could not understand line 206. (196)
    ** Error=Could not find class or interface MicroEdge.Fims.Reports.ViewerControl. (12886)
    ** Error=** f:\npo\found\fims\src\template\rptglib.i Could not understand line 207. (196)
    ** Error=Could not find class or interface MicroEdge.Fims.Reports.ViewerControl. (12886)
    ** Error=** f:\npo\found\fims\src\template\rptglib.i Could not understand line 208. (196)
    ** Error=Could not find class or interface MicroEdge.Fims.Reports.ViewerControl. (12886)
    ** Error=TYPE-OF 'MicroEdge.Fims.Reports.ViewerControl' not allowed. TYPE-OF target must be a user defined type. (14447)
    ** Error=** f:\npo\found\fims\src\template\rptglib.i Could not understand line 328. (198)


This issue can be caused by the following:

1. If the FIMS shortcut is not configured correctly on the computer where the patch is being run or for full upgrades on the database server:

How do I create a FIMS shortcut on a workstation, terminal server or the database server?

2. If the FIMS shortcut uses UNC paths
  • Typically you should use the drive letter rather than UNC path. See article above.
3. If Assemblies are not full trust or if the path where assemblies is trusted does not match FIMS shortcut.
  • Run the checkcaspol.cmd utility located in \npo\found\FIMS. You can just click on it and run it, you will see a command window open that will show you if there is FullTrust and also where that full trust is granted
  • If for example Full trust shows N drive as having full trust but FIMS shortcut uses the UNC path, since these are not in the same location, the assemblies are not trusted from UNC.

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