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ERROR - Database restore utility FAILED 8564 when Copying Live to Test
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I am running the copy live to test task on the desktop of the server and every time when it gets to the point of restoring the backup of the live database into test the task fails with the following error, "!!! ERROR - Database restore utility FAILED !!! (8564) ". How can I resolve this?
There are different variations of this error and different factors which can cause it. If you have questions or are not sure on how to do the steps below, please create a support case.
If this occurs when running the copy live to demo shortcut on the desktop of the database server:
A. In this first example, note that a few lines above the error is a line showing the verbiage, 'Please confirm by entering y and RETURN: No action taken"
In this example, the error can occur if there is a 'y.txt' file in the npo\found\FIMS. Remove the file, and re-start the copy live to test task from the shortcut on the desktop of the FIMS database server.
A. In this first example, note that a few lines above the error is a line showing the verbiage, 'Please confirm by entering y and RETURN: No action taken"
In this example, the error can occur if there is a 'y.txt' file in the npo\found\FIMS. Remove the file, and re-start the copy live to test task from the shortcut on the desktop of the FIMS database server.
In order to fix it so that both the scheduled task and the shortcut work, you can do the following:
1. Create a y.txt file in the FIMS directory
2. Copy the copytestopen.bat file located in the FIMS folder
3. Place that copy elsewhere, such as the NPO being sure to retain the original file name.
Copy live to demo shortcut on the desktop of server:
- Edit the shortcut path for the copy live to test shortcut on the desktop of the database server to use the copytestopen.bat file in the NPO folder rather than the one in the FIMS folder
How to Copy the Live Database to the Demo Database for On-Premise
Scheduled task for copy live to demo in task scheduler:
How to set up the Copy Live to Demo as a Scheduled Task for Self-Hosted Customers
- Set up the the scheduled task to use the bat file that is in the FIMS folder so that it can make use of the y.txt file.
B. Unable to extend data files enough to Proceed
You may also see the Database restore utility FAILED error preceded by 'Unable to extend data files enough to Proceed'
This is due to the extents having been fixed in live data but not having been fixed in demo after fixing live so thus when trying to restore the live database into demo it is unable to do so because the extents in live and demo do not match.
To fix, please create a support case.
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