Error: Failed to update FIMS .NET Assemblies configuration on this workstation. ERROR: Runtime error: Access denied. - when trying to launch application
  • 23 May 2023
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Error: Failed to update FIMS .NET Assemblies configuration on this workstation. ERROR: Runtime error: Access denied. - when trying to launch application

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How do I fix this error?
Failed to update FIMS .NET Assemblies configuration on this workstation.
ERROR: Runtime error. Access denied...


1. Right-click on the FIMS Icon and run as administrator. You may receive the message "msgOpen: Unable to open message file: PROMSGS" when running FIMS as admin. To resolve, see the following:

Unable to Open Message File PROMSGS when Right Clicking and Running FIMS as Administrator

2. Be sure that the Windows account logged into the computer is a local admin and that the Windows account has rights to install and change folders on the machine.

3. Sometimes Windows updates or operating system upgrades may uninstall the legacy version of Microsoft .NET after installing the latest version 4.X. FIMS requires the older legacy version Microsoft .NET v2.0.50727.
  • -You can verify by: in File Explorer, browse to ‘C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727’ and this folder may not exist or be empty
  • -To reinstall this version in File Explorer, browse to N:\dlc\install\3party and run dotnetfx.exe.  Close the install window when complete.

4. On the workstation, close FIMS, then open a Command Prompt with administrator privileges. 

  1. In the Command Prompt window, Type: N: (If you receive an error, type: net use n: \\{server-name}\npo ) You will need to have a space between n: \\.
  2. Type: cd found\fims\tools
  3. Type: reports.bat n:\dlc\bin\* n:\found\assemblies\* reports.log (There should be a space between each argument - it may work best to copy and paste this into the Command Prompt Window.)
  4. Type: type reports.log
  5. If you see the message “Added union code group with “-url” membership condition to the Machine level.  Success” then the errors should be resolved.
  6. Try logging into FIMS on the workstation and see if the issue is resolved now.

5. Windows security/internet settings blocking dlls from another machine can cause this issue. Right-click on all of the files in found\assemblies and unblock if they are blocked. You will need to do each one separately.
6. Double-check that the files in found\assemblies are the same as the ones in found\fims\assemblies

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