Error: FIMSnt.ini file not found (5643) - after DonorCentral Upload from server.
  • 28 Feb 2023
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Error: FIMSnt.ini file not found (5643) - after DonorCentral Upload from server.

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Article summary

After syncing using a scheduled task or by running the sync directly from the eAdv-export.bat file, the following error occurs.

FIMSnt.ini file not found (5643).


Steps To Duplicate:
Either the error will be present on the server after the scheduled task was run


The error may also occur by running the .bat file manually.

  1. On the server go to  \npo\found\eAdvisor
  2. Locate eAdv-export.bat
  3. Double click to run
  4. The error will occur
  1. Go to \npo\found\eAdvisor
  2. Locate eAdv-export.bat
  3. Right click the file and choose edit
  4. Locate the file path for FIMSnt.ini
  5. Update the file path or make sure it is correct.
  6. Save and close the file.
After these steps, run the scheduled task or double click the bat file to confirm the issue is resolved. 

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