Error .\gui\eadvisor\eadvisor.i Could not understand line 1043. (196) when opening FIMS after Upgrading from Progress 10 to 11.6.4 or 11.7.5
  • 18 Jan 2023
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Error .\gui\eadvisor\eadvisor.i Could not understand line 1043. (196) when opening FIMS after Upgrading from Progress 10 to 11.6.4 or 11.7.5

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Article summary

After upgrading from Progress 10 to 11.6.4 or 11.7.5 when opening FIMS, the following errors occur:



This issue occurs due to an old Progress 10 file being in found\fims\custom\gui\eadvisor.

To resolve do the following:

1. Go to found\fims\custom\gui\eadvisor
2. Remove the eAdvisor.i file
3. Recompile the GUI folder by going to Tools\System Utilities\Admin Utilities\FIMS Compiler
4. Just choose GUI and then compile

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