Error: .\gui\ has an incorrect version (found 7 should be 11). (1945) - when launching the profile module after a FIMS server move or update
  • 15 Aug 2023
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Error: .\gui\ has an incorrect version (found 7 should be 11). (1945) - when launching the profile module after a FIMS server move or update

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Article summary

After moving from one server to another or updating FIMS, the following error may occur:
Error: .\gui\ has an incorrect version (found 7 should be 11). (1945)

Steps To Duplicate:
After upgrading FIMS or moving servers:
  1. Launch FIMS and log in
  2. Launch the profile module
  3. Receive the error
To resolve:
1. Go to NPO\found\fims\GUI, delete the file
 2. Open the FIMS.ini and FIMSNT.ini file and remove path to that file from propath.

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