Error in procedure gui\imports\d-apdup.w, shared temp-table tt-impdata has a conflict in field, index, or undo status - when trying to update vendor ID information during AP voucher import
  • 10 Jan 2023
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Error in procedure gui\imports\d-apdup.w, shared temp-table tt-impdata has a conflict in field, index, or undo status - when trying to update vendor ID information during AP voucher import

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Article summary

Error in procedure gui\imports\d-apdup.w, shared temp-table tt-impdata has a conflict in field, index, or undo status - when trying to update vendor ID information during AP voucher import


This is resolved in FIMS 14.73

Steps To Duplicate

  1. From the main menu, select File Maintenance > AP Voucher Import.
  2. Specify file to import
  3. Load default settings or create new map - error will happen in either scenario
  4. Click import
  5. Check box to Update Vendor ID information
  6. See error occur

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