Error "Missing Fund Summary History for Fund 'X'" for multiple funds
  • 11 Jan 2023
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Error "Missing Fund Summary History for Fund 'X'" for multiple funds

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Article summary

When creating spending policy journal entries, I receive an error "Missing Fund Summary History for Fund 'X'" for multiple funds.


Check some of the funds that show the error in the fund module, summary tab. Most likely, there is no fund summary record on the summary tab in the fund module for some of the funds which is causing the error. Before re-running spending policy, do the following:

Run the following tool:

Tools > System Utilities > Admin Utilities > Rebuild Summary Tables by Year.

Here, you will choose your fiscal year range and module. If you run it for all years and all modules, it may take a while longer, but it would behoove you to include it all at some point.

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