Error: n'est pas une valeur entiere correcte when preview/printing checks
  • 04 Jun 2023
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Error: n'est pas une valeur entiere correcte when preview/printing checks

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Article summary

When attempting to preview or print checks from a “Check Pre-Print Report”. 

Clicking the Details button giving more info shows this:

Next error:


We found that trying any other check form after this gives the same error.  To clear this “error state” you need to close FIMS and re-open it.  That always you to try another form (for example a standard canned form).   This should work error free. We then compared the new user created form with a standard form (you can also compare the temp files that are created in the tempfiles folder while the report is open (closing the check report deletes the temp files) – files p#####f.tmp (#-random generated numbers)).  We found that the form had one minor change.

The fifth line from top “Name=X.7|Y5.7|L4” has been moved from the twelfth line on the standard form.  This results in the xprint function not understanding what font to use for this line (no font has been defined in this line or any previous lines.  This causes the error.
We can either add to this line a font so it’s defined or move it to another location under a line that has defined the font.  For examples, add “|FNCourier New|FP10” to this line or move the line to the same location as what the standard form has.

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