Error New Grantee Idcode is not Designated as the student when Adjusting an Historical Scholarship
  • 11 Jan 2023
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Error New Grantee Idcode is not Designated as the student when Adjusting an Historical Scholarship

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Article summary

When adjusting an historical scholarship, the following error occurs:

'You are changing the grantee id code, and your scholarship has the grantee idcode equal to the student idcode. However, the new grantee idcode is not designated as the student. Please add the student record first, then proceed with the adjustment.'


This is addressed in FIMS 14.73

Steps To Duplicate

1. Go to the scholarship module
2. Go to the Application History tab
3. Click and open the scholarship in question that needs to be adjusted
4. Click on the adjustments tab
5. Select Correction-Grantee/Student/Institution
6. Select the Grantee radial button on the next window
7. Select the new Grantee on the bottom
8. See error occur

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