Error parsing JSON Unexpected Token Brace 15360 when Importing Suggestions from DonorCentral
  • 27 Mar 2023
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Error parsing JSON Unexpected Token Brace 15360 when Importing Suggestions from DonorCentral

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Article summary

When importing suggestions from DonorCentral the following errors occur, "Error parsing JSON Unexpected Token Brace 15360", " Unable to infer Temp-Table or dataset schema from JSON Data. (15374)", "Error retrieving suggestions from DonorCentral. Progress Read JSON Errors".

This occurs for self-hosted customers.

Steps To Duplicate:
1. Tools >System Utilities > DonorCentral > Retrieve Suggestions from Donor Central
2. Error message occurs
This occurs for those on-premise customers using Progress 10. To resolve, each user that imports suggestions will need to set the DonorCentral_Download_Directory in Tools > User Preferences to a folder relative to their workstation. Do not edit the download directory in system options as that is what the server uses for the DonorCentral upload.

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