Error parson JSON Expecting Brace, but Found Eof 15358 when creating application from imported suggestion
  • 11 Apr 2023
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Error parson JSON Expecting Brace, but Found Eof 15358 when creating application from imported suggestion

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Article summary

When importing Grant Suggestions from DonorCentral, the following errors occur:

1. "Error parsing JSON: expected brace, but found eof. (15358).
2. "Error parsing JSON: expected colon, but found eof. (15358)
3. Unable to infer Temp-Table or dataset schema from JSON Data. (15374).

Steps To Duplicate:
1. Go to the Grants Module
2. Select Import Grants on the top right on the icon that looks like a heart with an 'e' in it
3. When window appears, select a suggstion
4. Click Create Application
5. See error occur.
We released a fix for the error, Unable to infer Temp-Table or dataset schema from JSON Data. (15374) creating an application from an imported suggestion on 12/1/2022. This is proactive rather than retroactive, meaning, any suggestions created before we implemented the fix will still have the issue and the applications will need to be manually updated to fill in missing information.

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