Error receiving Web Service Response: Call was Redirected (11773)
  • 19 Jan 2023
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Error receiving Web Service Response: Call was Redirected (11773)

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Article summary

When running the Retrieve XML from ASTTC Webservice process, an error is received.

Error receiving Web Service Response: Call was Redirected (11773)

Steps To Duplicate:

1) Go to facts

2) File Maintenance > Financial Institution Interface - Data Port

3) Processes tab > Retrieve XML from ASTTC Webservice

4) Select Export to GLCopy

5) Enter start and end date

6) Click OK

7) Receive error


For the customer that reported this issue, this was caused by the customer's system blocking the web call. This issue was resolved for the customer that reported this issue.

If you do have this issue occur, please create a support case.

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