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Error retrieving suggestions from DonorCentral. GetAllPendingSuggestions() failed
When trying to import suggestions from DonorCentral the error, 'GetAllPendingSuggestions() failed' occurs.
To resolve:
1. Go to the N drive
2. Go to npo\found\fims\assemblies
3. Find a file called 'Newtonsoft.Json-v10.dll'
4. Right click on the file and select Copy
5. Go to npo\dlc\bin
6. Paste the 'Newtonsoft.Json-v10.dll' there directly in the bin folder (not into a sub-folder)
7. Re-name the 'Newtonsoft.Json-v10.dll' to 'Newtonsoft.Json.dll'.
- If you have a terminal or remote desktop server that has its own Progress installation then you will need to copy the Newtonsoft.Json-v10.dll' file located in npo\found\fims\assemblies on the database server to the \npo\dlc\bin\ directory on that terminal\remote desktop server as well. Terminal servers with their own Progress installation will have their own bin folder.
If the steps above did not resolve the issue.
This issue can also occur if there is an old file in found\fims\custom\gui\eadvisor. Check found\fims\custom folder and see if there is a gui folder and inside of that one an advisor folder. If there is, look in the found\fims\custom\gui\eadvisor folder and see if there is a file called ' eadvisor.i '. If there is remove it and re-compile gui folder.
Do not remove this file from any other location if it exists, just the custom\gui\eAdvisor folder.
After removing file 'eadvisor.i' from found\fims\custom\gui\eadvisor, to compile:
Go to Tools\System Utilities\Admin Utilities\FIMS Compiler
Choose Gui and then compile
Steps To Duplicate
1)Log into FIMS
2)Click on Tools> System Utilities> Donor Central> Retrieve Suggestions from DonorCentral
3)Error Occurs