Error Submit Form Failed when Attempting in Submit a Recommendation in DonorCentral
  • 25 Apr 2023
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Error Submit Form Failed when Attempting in Submit a Recommendation in DonorCentral

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Article summary

When attempting to submit a recommendation in DonorCentral, the following error can occur, "Submit Form Failed". 

This issue can occur for multiple reasons:

1. This can occur if a maximum character limit has been put into place on the recommendation form for a field and that limit was surpassed and thus when someone attempts to submit the recommendation, the error will occur. At this time, users will not get a message saying that there is a character limit, but that is something that is being worked on for a future version of DonorCentral. Check your recommendation forms to see if there is a maximum character limit anywhere and then compare that to what is being entered into that field. If the characters are more then the limit, then shorten the amount of the characters entered into that field and then try to re-submit the grant.

2. This can occur due to the CharityEIN field not being visible on the recommendation form when creating one for an existing grantee. This field only appears for new grantees and so the required marking of the field can cause issues with recommendations to existing grantees.

CharityEIN field not being visible on the recommendation form solution:
The solution to this is to mark any fields within the New Charity section that are hidden as required. To do that complete the following"

a. Go to the Text Field Component\Validation section and check the check box for Required.

b. If the field is hidden, an additional step needs to be taken: Be sure that the conditional attribute is not effective when the charity is not new. This will ensure that for new grantees the Charity Number can now be marked as required. 

3. This can also occur if something was deleted off of the recommendation form. In this scenario, the easiest step is to rebuild the recommendation form or use the default form.

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