Error: System.IO.FilenotFoundException: Could not Load file or assembly 'Blackbaud.DFM.Integration.FIMS
  • 13 Sep 2023
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Error: System.IO.FilenotFoundException: Could not Load file or assembly 'Blackbaud.DFM.Integration.FIMS

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Article summary

Error occurs when switching modules


This issue can be caused by a number of reasons:

1. All of the system components were not installed correctly, specifically, step #3 of this article:

2. The mapped NPO drive being mapped with the IP address of the server rather than the UNC path.

3. This can also occur if .Net assemblies are not trusted, to check that do the following:
  • Run the checkcaspol.cmd utility located in \npo\found\FIMS. Just click on it and run it, you will see a command window open that will show you if there is FullTrust.
  • If not, then right-click on the FIMS shortcut and run as admin which should grant full trust to the assemblies, then run that command again to verify.
  • If you get an error when running FIMS as admin, see this article.

Steps To Duplicate

1) Log into FIMS
2) Switch modules
3) Error occurs

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